Nile is a different class of company; it operates in the capital goods space and also into commodity space.It manufactures the glass line reactors and pressure vessels particularly for the pharma industry and is also into processing of lead and lead alloys from waste lead. It has a tie up with Amar Raja for supplying lead.It is uniquely positioned company with very low equity. It is positioned ideally for a take off from here. Somewhere down the line, value addition would come to the company’s bottomline in a very big way both from glass line reactors and pressure vessels and lead.
In 2-4 years time period, Nile can be a multi-bagger stock.
Market Cap 19.48
P/E -
P/C -
* Book Value 84.38
* Price/Book 0.77
Div(%) 40.00
Div Yield(%) 6.16
Market Lot 1.00
Face Value 10.00
Industry P/E 23.20
Shareholding pattern
Promoters shareholding: 45.55%
FI's/Banks: 12.20
Public shareholding: 42.25%
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